Sunday, July 29, 2007

35 Days to Kickoff

Our countdown continues with a YouTube video that was uploaded by "slulionsfan." Whoever you are - we thank you. In the spirit of out new found respect for our opponents and our desire to pull our double wide out of the mire, we refuse to deride this person. Despite the fact that in his description of the video he comments "Here comes Zorro." *rolleyes*

I tell you - it's incredibly difficult for me to comment on this directional school's negative interpretation of our treasured mascot. But I won't call him/her an idiot or a loser (or a looser). I won't make any comments whatsoever about their school being the equivalent of a Junior College to the mighty LSU.

And you know why I won't say these things? Because we're the fools who scheduled them in the first place.

I am so ready to hear that band welcome us to football season!

1 comment:

Claude Henry Smoot said...

Not sure what it's about, but if you let that video run out and then scroll along the vids at the bottom, there's about a minute and a half of Toogood kicking field goals in practice and warmup. Riveting.